Exploration into Demand Side Sales
Welcome to Exploration into Demand Side Sales. Join us to practice the skills of customer-centric sales, applying the principles and frameworks of Jobs to Be Done to help your customers make progress.
If you have already determined you'd like to implement and adopt a demand side sales approach, this is the course for you.
You'll gain not only the basic vocabulary and frameworks but also thought starters and exercises to practice a demand side approach to sales.
While demand side sales is grounded in Jobs to Be Done theory, this course does not include lessons on how to conduct and analyze a JTBD project.
Stay tuned for the launch of an advanced, cohort-based offering. This program will provide more iteration and feedback to help you refine your demand side sales mindset and approach.
This course is a prototype, more of a version 1.0 than a final, set-in-stone offering. As students enroll and complete the course, we'll be taking into account student experience in order to hone and refine the offering for all. We thank you in advance for participating in this initial prototype.
Welcome to Demand Side Sales
Understanding Why You Are Taking This Class
Stop Making Excuses and Start Changing
Learning Objectives
Meet Your Instructors
Reference Guide: Preparing for a Paradigm Shift
Two Interdependent Systems: Supply & Demand
Supply & Demand Selling: A Story
Practice: Reflecting on Supply & Demand
Reference Guide: Supply & Demand
Jobs to Be Done for Sales
Practice: Using the Forces of Progress to Conduct a Sales Post-Mortem
Practice: Conducting Sales Postmortems
Introduction to the Timeline
The Seller's Funnel and the Buyer's Timeline
Reference Guide: The Timeline
Practice: Placing Your Prospects on Their Timeline
Qualifying Leads into JTBDs
Buyer's Remorse: The Perils of Not Qualifying Properly
Reference Guide: Qualifying Leads
Practice: Clustering Your Customers
Reference Guide: Using the Contrast Method to Determine Clusters
Matching Features & Benefits
Reference Guide: Matching Features and Benefits
Practice: Your Clusters and Your Product's Features